Continuing to provide leading instruction and opportunities for the Charleston dance community, we are welcoming back Morgan Johnson to CEDC! Her class is always uplifting and challenging, and we can’t wait to dance with her again. Join us for a contemporary master class with Morgan!
Saturday, October 7th
1230-2:00pm - Int Adv/Adv Contemporary
2:00-3:00pm - Beg-Int Contemporary
$25/class; $20/Comp Co members
Guest and drop-in dancers are welcome!
Email to RSVP:
More About Morgan:
Morgan Johnson has been dancing since the age of 3. While growing up, she trained in many styles and won numerous overalls and scholarships. Since graduating, Morgan has toured the country with Intrigue Dance Convention as an full time assistant as well as taught at their 2021 nationals. In addition, Morgan has worked on HBO tv shows, taught at multiple studios in many states winning overalls and choreography awards for her work, and assists Ryan Kirby full time with his choreography and master classes.